mega888 apk 201208 August – LPFM Society of New Zealand

201208 August


Tuesday 28 August 2012. Evening began with coffee but no chockkie biscuits! and chatter, natter, chatter until we realised we needed nooga choo choo.

6 Present; Ray Mankelow, Dave Dingley, Eric Allen, Jim Sutton, Patrick Casey of the executive along with Bruce Grenville of Blockhouse Bay plus first time visitors Dave Wakenshaw, Kerry Munro

Apologies – Les Dixon, who supplied the financial report via email and Peter Shaw. Bruce moved and Eric seconded – apologies accepted.

Correspondence: Zilch Dave moved minutes taken as read seconded Jim

Matters Arising – On-going background work by Gareth on copying over files to new website from Latinum – hosted by Charles Graves.

Financial Report Statement from BNZ: 20th August 2012

Opening Balance: 20 July. $3816.97

Closing Balance: 21st August: $4209.72.

Income: From Subs. $ 420.00

Outgoings: To Latinum for web Hosting. $ 17.25.

Bank Fee: $ 10.00 Les moved/ Dave seconded Financial report be received. General Business:

Basically website ready to go, moving to Gareth’s server; Gareth has copied over as much as possible off Charles. Discussion, suggested the Society move to Gareth’s server 31 August, so new site operating by 1 September. Les to action the Domain name. Dave asked about a test site – Gareth suggested he could set up a temporary web to test how the site runs.

Ray mentioned that Doug was planning on buying his own Winradio. Dave said with Winradio there is a stripped down version, best to wait for that before our Society purchase one.

Bruce mentioned that Peter’s video off the screen had problems with matching frames per second. Asking what options there are, Eric mentioned he would check with his friend Video Assist.

Dave asked about the Indian station cutting across WCR 87.6 FM. Gareth sent them an email, garnered from their broadcast – and they ceased transmission.


Jim then explained why he was resigning saying he has switched his tx off, it wasn’t doing what he wanted. He has a localised wireless connection so he can listen to his own music and a close neighbour can also pick up. He is resigning from Executive from now and from the Society with effect from the AGM.

Jim mentioned also Chris Bennet had shut down his tx and returned to Jim. Jim felt at the meetings we’ve had a little bit of banter but mostly grizzles about interferring stations – “bit of a gunner business”.

Dave commented that he was “not sure we’ve tried to be all things to all people.”

Eric mentioned the campaign against Swing Radio and how it got out of hand targeting Swing and getting the Radio Inspectors involved – and them giving clearance for Dave McGregor

– apart from a small misdemenor (spelling?) Eric recalled visit from Jarra and gentle approach. Listened and explained in a manner that was non threatening and Eric was happy to shift to 106.7.

Dave mentioned he was sorry to hear of Jim’s disatisfaction with LPFM Society. Jim’s final thoughts were about the lack of communication for the members, the $45 fee payers – not getting any information.

Agenda Dave reminded people of our AGM – on Tues 23 October.


Meeting closed 2108 hrs


 Posted by on 20 Sep 2012 at 21:39